Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is an increasingly common problem in our ever-aging population.
There are medical, surgical and radiological treatments available for men suffering from BPH.
These options include transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP), Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP), Rezūm, UroLift, robotic enucleation and prostate artery embolization (PAE).
The gold standard for the management of BPH is surgical treatment by TURP.
Indications for surgical treatment include lower urinary tract symptoms no longer responding to medications, urinary retention, recurrent urinary tract infections, recalcitrant bleeding, bladder stones and hydronephrosis with renal function impairment.
TURP remains an excellent treatment option for men with prostate volumes less than 150ml, who are not an anitiplatelet / anticoagulant medication and are not concerned about loss of ejaculatory function.
At Sydney Urology Group we offer the TURP procedure both in the public hospital and private hospital system. It is a painless operation and typically requires a hospital stay of only 48hours.
At Sydney Urology Group we provide a multidisciplinary, patient-centred model of care with our purpose to improve the quality of life for our patients and for the friends and families who are supporting them.
At Sydney Urology Group we provide a multidisciplinary, patient-centred model of care with our purpose to improve the quality of life for our patients and for the friends and families who are supporting them.
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