Robotic Radical Nephrectomy and Nephro-ureterectomy

For patient with larger, central tumours of the kidney, complete removal of the kidney is required (radical nephrectomy).

In patients who have urothelial cancer of the kidney, both the kidney as well as the ureter need to be removed (radical nephro-ureterectomy).

kidney drawing

Our approach to Robotic Radical Nephrectomy and Nephro-ureterectomy

At Sydney Urology Group

Each of these operations previously could only be performed by a large abdominal or loin incision. In certain cases, where the tumour is particularly bulky and involves surrounding organs (liver, spleen, pancreas, diaphragm, inferior vena cava, heart), then the traditional open approach remains the appropriate choice due to the complexity of the surgery that often involves a number of surgical teams (colorectal, vascular, upper GI, cardio-thoracic).

We also offer minimally invasive surgery with the da Vinci Xi robot, or standard laparoscopic techniques to perform both of these procedures. The benefit of robotic nephrectomy / nephro-ureterectomy over the open approach is the same as with any other minimally invasive procedure; less pain, shorter hospital stay and a faster post-operative recovery.

In select cases of advanced kidney cancers involving the inferior vena cava (IVC), the da Vinci Xi robot can be used to not only remove the kidney but also to resect the tumour extending into the IVC. This is a complex operation, only performed by a handful of quaternary referral centres in Sydney.

Our experience with Robotic Radical Nephrectomy and Nephro-ureterectomy

At Sydney Urology Group we are able to offer minimally invasive kidney cancer surgery for both private and public patients.

Dr Mehan performs robotic surgery for his private patients at Prince of Wales Private Hospital and Nepean Private Hospital (??check).

Dr Leslie performs robotic surgery for his private patients at Chris O’Brien Lifehouse and The Mater Hospital.

Both Dr Mehan and Dr Leslie are privileged to work in the public hospital system and are able to offer minimally invasive kidney cancer surgery at Nepean public hospital and Royal Prince Alfred hospital.

Our approach to patient care

At Sydney Urology Group we provide a multidisciplinary, patient-centred model of care with our purpose to improve the quality of life for our patients and for the friends and families who are supporting them.

Our approach to patient care

At Sydney Urology Group we provide a multidisciplinary, patient-centred model of care with our purpose to improve the quality of life for our patients and for the friends and families who are supporting them.

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