Kidney cancer typically presents as an incidental finding on imaging performed for other symptoms.
Kidney tumours are often asymptomatic unless they are very advanced and aggressive. Sydney Urology Group offers the full spectrum of treatment options for kidney cancers from close surveillance, thermal ablation, partial nephrectomy and radical nephrectomy.
At Sydney Urology Group Dr Nicholas Mehan and Dr Scott Leslie specialise in minimally invasive uro-oncology and offer robotic surgery for patients with kidney cancer. When the tumour is small and on the periphery of the kidney, robotic partial nephrectomy is preferred. This has the advantage of preserving the normal part of the kidney (not involved with tumour) to maintain as much kidney function as possible.
When kidney cancer is central, large and aggressive then often the safest option is to perform complete removal of the kidney known as a robotic radical nephrectomy.
When patients have a particular type of cancer in the kidney, called urothelial cancer, then not only is the kidney removed, but also the ureter, which is the tube that transmits urine from the kidney to the bladder.
At Sydney Urology Group, both Dr Mehan and Dr Leslie, work at major public teaching hospitals, and occasionally very large tumours involving surrounding structures such as the inferior vena cava, need to be removed as an open operation. For a select group of patients with kidney cancers extending into the inferior vena cava, Sydney Urology Group offers robotic surgery to not only remove the kidney but also for minimally invasive removal of the tumour within the inferior vena cava – robotic radical nephrectomy with caval thrombectomy.
At Sydney Urology Group we provide a multidisciplinary, patient-centred model of care with our purpose to improve the quality of life for our patients and for the friends and families who are supporting them.
At Sydney Urology Group we provide a multidisciplinary, patient-centred model of care with our purpose to improve the quality of life for our patients and for the friends and families who are supporting them.
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